Android sdk latest version
Android sdk latest version

android sdk latest version android sdk latest version

In the SDK Tools tab, select Android SDK Build-Tools 30 (or higher). In the SDK Platforms tab, select Android 11. In source code form, the Android SDK dependencies are locked/pinned by package.json and package-lock.json of the Jitsi Meet project. Get the Android 11 SDK After you install and open Android Studio, install the Android 11 SDK as follows: Click Tools > SDK Manager. For illustration purposes, we'll define the location of this local Maven repository as /tmp/repo The text below describes how you create a repository that includes both the SDK as well as these dependencies.

android sdk latest version

If you want to use a SDK that is built from source, you will likely benefit from composing a local Maven repository that contains these dependencies. Get the Android 11 SDK After you install and open Android Studio, install the Android 11 SDK as follows: Click Tools > SDK Manager. This might lead to build problems, caused by dependencies that are unavailable. As a consequence, the dependencies that your project will need, might also be different from those that are published in the Jitsi Maven repository. When you're planning to use a SDK that is built from source, you'll likely use a version of the source code that is newer (or at least different) than the version of the source that was used to create the binary SDK artifact. Apart from the SDK, Jitsi also publishes a binary Maven artifact for some of the SDK dependencies (that are not otherwise publicly available) to the Jitsi Maven repository.

Android sdk latest version